Sharon Tate

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  Sharon Tate

Sharon Marie Tate (Dallas, Texas; 24 de enero de 1943-Los Ángeles; 9 de agosto de 1969) fue una actriz y modelo estadounidense. En los años 60 actuó en pequeños papeles televisivos antes de aparecer en varias películas. Después de algunas reseñas positivas por sus papeles cómicos, fue aclamada como una de las promesas de Hollywood y nominada a un Globo de Oro por su actuación en la película de 1967 Valley of the Dolls. En esa misma época, aparecía con regularidad en revistas de moda, como modelo y chica de portada. Se casó el 20 de enero de 1968 (en Londres), con el director de cine Roman Polanski.



1961 Barrabás
1962 Cuando se tienen veinte años
1963 –1965 The Beverly Hillbillies (TV)
1963 Mister Ed (TV)
1964 The Americanization of Emily
1965 El agente de CIPOL (TV)
1966 El ojo del diablo
1967 The Fearless Vampire Killers
1967 No hagan olas
1967 Valley of the Dolls
1968 Rosemary's Baby
1968 The Wrecking Crew
1969 The Thirteen Chairs

  Sharon Tate

Sharon Tate being crowned Miss Richland 1959. Just one of the many beauty pageants she won during her childhood and teens.

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Última edición por Ninotchka el 15 Ene 2020, 18:19, editado 1 vez en total.

  Sharon Tate

Promotional photos for MGM Studios, 1963. Photos by John Engstead

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  Sharon Tate

Sharon Tate photographed in her Eaton Square apartment on September 17th, 1965. Photos by Arthur Sidey

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  Sharon Tate

Promotional shoot for ’Valley of the Dolls’ (1967)

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  Sharon Tate

Collection of 35mm transparencies of Sharon Tate taken at her Summitridge Drive house by Alan Pappé (1968). These photos remained unseen until 2018 when they were put up for auction at an estimated sale price of 500.00 - 300.00 USD. The entire collection sold for over 3,000.00 USD.

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I Love

  Sharon Tate

Hace un tiempo, entré en un grupo de facebook pensando que se trataba de Sharon. En los comentarios se decía que era una persona muy especial...flipé al enterarme que estaban hablando de Manson.

  Sharon Tate

Ya ves, hay chusma pa' todo... Desde luego, aquí no pienso poner nada escabroso que tenga que ver con la panda de asesinos y su cutre gurú Manson, para eso ya hay miles de páginas analizando hasta el último detalle. Que este hilo funcione como un pequeño homenaje a Sharon.
Última edición por Ninotchka el 06 Ene 2020, 17:37, editado 1 vez en total.

  Sharon Tate

Sharon Tate photographed by Claudio Masenza in Rome, Italy, 1969

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  Sharon Tate

Sharon Tate at the 1968 Golden Globes ceremony held at the Ambassador Hotel on February 12th, 1968

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  Sharon Tate

Sharon Tate by David Bailey for UK Vogue, April 1966


  Sharon Tate

"Sharon had a magnificent life. Born into a family who loved her very much, she had a wonderful childhood. She traveled the world. She became a film star who many say was the most beautiful of her generation. She was talented. She met and married the man of her dreams. She experienced impending motherhood. She achieved so much in such a brief time, made a significant impact, and continues to fascinate and delight the world. It is important that her life be celebrated for these reasons."—Debra Tate: Sharon Tate: Recollection
Photo by Fabrizio Zampa (1968)

Última edición por Ninotchka el 22 Jul 2020, 20:00, editado 2 veces en total.

  Sharon Tate

En lo único que discrepo con la hermana de Sharon es en que Polanski fuera el hombre de sus sueños. Como Sharon no le ponía objeciones en nada, él encantado, claro..

Sharon Tate as Sarah Shagal in promotional photographs for The Fearless Vampire Killers (1967)

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  Sharon Tate

"Sharon Tate was an open, honest, smart and straightforward person. One of the most beautiful people I have ever met in my life in all ways. I can't emphasize how beautiful she was, inside and out. Sharon was well educated and impressed people with her honesty. She had the greatest attributes a person can have. Sharon never changed from the time she arrived in Hollywood until the day she left us." —Hal Gefsky (one of Sharon’s former agents in the early 1960s). //Picture taken by Peter Brüchmann, 1968.
Última edición por Ninotchka el 22 Jul 2020, 20:00, editado 1 vez en total.
Madeleine Elster

  Sharon Tate

1966 by Milton Greene

Archive image of Roman Polanski and Sharon Tate (1943-1969), pictured in 1968 by Terry O’Neill

  Sharon Tate

@Madeleine Elster gracias por los aportes! Me gustan mucho sus sesiones de fotos, tiene más de las que pensaba.

Sharon Tate photographed by Orlando Suero, 1966

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  Sharon Tate

I don’t fool myself. I can’t see myself doing Shakespeare, or anything like that. I would love light comedy, but it takes so long, you know. Comedy is one of the more difficult types of acting to do, it takes so long because you have to be so serious, and that’s the funny thing about it, and I haven’t had the experience at the moment, but I’m getting there — Sharon Tate
En la serie "The Beverly Hillbillies":


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